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Why were cats eradicated during the Middle Ages?
It is not correct to say that cats were eradicated during the Middle Ages. This period of history was marked by a strong repression of cats, ...
A cage for a sick cat
When we want to take care of a sick animal, whether it is a dog or a cat, it must be possible to isolate it in a room so that it does not go ...
Alternative to cat litter
A cat litter box is often made up of a plastic box, topped by a dome with a door. In fact the cat will quickly break the door because it cannot ...
What is the best automatic cat litter box
Making the litter box for your cat quickly becomes painful. The more time passes and the more we are reluctant to clean the cat box, remove ...
How to fight cat fleas and ticks?
How to prevent the cat from bringing back a whole lot of fleas and ticks at home. And especially how to prevent fleas from breeding and swarm ...
Proportion of cats and dogs in France
Here is the proportion of cats and dogs in France. There are 13.48 million domestic cats, 7.3 million domestic dogs, 11 million stray cats. ...
Proportion of pets in France
Proportion of pets in France. The country has more than 34 million fish, 3 million rodent mammals, 6 million birds, 7 million dogs and 13 million cats.
Cat pees on the bed, what to do?
My cat pees on the bed from time to time very early in the morning or sometimes during the day, how to stop it? In general, the cat will routinely ...
How to keep cats away
When we live in a subdivision, we can be surrounded by cats permanently who come to walk on our ground. We then have the bad surprise to see ...