Natural gas
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Main natural gas producing countries
Here is the list of the main countries that produce natural gas. This is the production of dry natural gas produced by each country during the ...
Russian natural gas exports
Here is the list of the main recipient countries of natural gas exports from Russia. We note that Russia's main customer for natural gas is ...
Origin of natural gas imports in Austria
List of countries of origin of natural gas imports to Austria, with the quantity in terajoules, the proportion of the total. This information ...
Origin of natural gas imports in Spain
Here is a graph, followed by a table, with information concerning the imports of natural gas made by Spain, the countries of origin, the value ...
Origin of natural gas imports in Italy
Here is a table, and a graph in the form of a pie chart, which show from which countries the imports of natural gas come from concerning Italy ...
Origin of natural gas imports in Germany
Here is a table, as well as a graph, which show which nations come from the natural gas imports made by Germany and in what proportion during ...
Origin of natural gas imports into France
Here is a graph and a table which show which countries come from the imports of natural gas in France and in what proportion during the year ...