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Éric Piolle on energy and health
Eric Piolle's proposals concerning the subjects of health, and energy during the environmentalists primary of September 2021 which falls within ...
Wind Catcher a new type of wind turbine
Wind Catcher is a giant wall of wind turbines designed in Oslo, Norway that uses a turret and mooring system. The advantage is increased production, ...
Main wind power producers in the world
Graph showing the proportion of the main producers of wind power in the world. We notice the notable presence of China, Spain, India. A total ...
Disadvantages of wind turbines
The transport of the parts, whether the blades or the foot requires special convoys. Energy is produced with a minimum wind speed of 10 feet ...
Advantages of a wind turbine
The wind turbine does not produce greenhouse gases directly, once in production. The wind energy is a renewable energy. It is considered ...
Functioning of wind turbines
The electric power delivered by a wind turbine depends on the length and shape of its blades, the temperature that will vary the density of ...