Emmanuel Macron's proposals concerning the subjects of security, immigration and defense for the French presidential election of 2022. With European defense, migratory flows.
Defense :
We must go to the Europe of defense. European defense is very insufficient, but everyone today understands that it must be done. There is still a long way to go, we have made considerable progress, we have launched for the first time a long-term military project with Germany, the fighter plane of the future, the tank of the future. There will be tough times, but it's a historic choice. We need a European intervention force. For the moment, to put forward a number for the workforce would be to block the debate.
If today we have not yet made a Europe of defense or European foreign policy, it would be folly to leave the seat of permanent member of the UN Security Council in the European Union. It is an element of sovereignty which benefits all of Europe, since we are the only country to have nuclear deterrence in Europe.
Immigration :
We should not ban the veil at the end of schools for mothers or the veil at the university.
We must anticipate or protect ourselves against significant irregular migratory flows. There are of course possible improvements on immigration. When we compare France with Italy, Germany, Spain, we do better than the Germans who have twice as many foreigners on their soil as we do.
We have 120,000 asylum requests, they have 160,000. An appeal before an expulsion lasts 18 months in France, in Germany it is 2 years. They accept 50% of their asylum request, while we accept 30%. The rise of the right to asylum, the rise of immigration, we have known it for 20 years. Quotas are a bad idea, the essence of illegal immigration is the misuse of the right to asylum. People come to our soil, they ask for asylum, they don't get it, then we ask to deport them. We cannot put a quota on the right to asylum. France is a humanist country and cannot say that there is a limit of so much or so much. You have to judge foreigners for what they do and not for what they are.
It is not a question of numbers. There are 3.5 million foreigners in France. There are 6 million in Germany. There are as many in France as in Italy and Spain. Of course, we have the right to choose who comes to our soil. It would be contrary to the right of asylum to force these people to stay in a dedicated place while awaiting a favorable or negative response. We process the request for asylum in 15 months, before it was two years.
There are administrative jurisdictions, a European court which takes time and for which the state, given the separation of powers, cannot order them to go much faster. It is the opposite of humanity, of a humanist party, to keep these people waiting for months at an airport. We need rigorous border control. We need a solidarity mechanism. Migration policy can only be European. When people arrive, in Greece, in Italy, in Spain, it is already our problem. The idea of the hermetic national border never existed. In Europe this has never existed either.
There are 350,000 French border workers who cross the border every day. With Belgium, there are 750 crossing points, it would take 10,000 customs officers. We need a European policy, we have started to do it. We need a police force at the European border, it is called Frontex. It is this police force which helps Greece, Poland. We must increase the number of border police. We have a target of 10,000 men in the mid-2020s, it's too long, we have to accelerate. If we want everyone to control their border, in this case Italy, Greece, Spain, we have to help them. We must share the reception effort for those who have the right to asylum, for the others we drive them back to the borders.
Another big challenge on the planet is the demographic challenge with the increasing population on the planet. The population believes very differently, our societies are confronted with demographic aging, a drop in its birth rate, and a demographic explosion in other countries and therefore the pressure of great migrations. Migration challenges also find their source in the climatic imbalances that certain regions are experiencing today. This demographic challenge is very important because it destabilizes our mode of organization in society.
The 2008 directive under Jacques Chirac and the 2011 law under Nicolas Sarkozy prevent us from applying escapes to the border for unaccompanied minors. Offender or no offender, we cannot return foreign minors.
Europe does not impose a form of opening up and lax migration, this is not true. Europe, which would say that we can accommodate everyone without any restrictions, is wrong. If this is the idea that would push us to leave Europe to control our borders, it is unfounded. A moratorium on immigration, the desire to interrupt or limit migratory flows for a few years, that cannot be decreed. The real question to ask is how to manage migratory flows. Those who advocate zero immigration, stop immigration, or the moratorium on immigration, he must tell us how they do it, how they distinguish the cases.
Security :
The regal was reinforced with a large budget given to the security forces.
Drug users are complicit in the drug trade.
600 radicalized foreigners were expelled.
We must put an end to the ghettos. Urban renewal makes things better. We cannot accept the remarks on the change of population by another, in this case Islamic. These are strong, serious attacks against our Muslim compatriots who are French, who love France, who serve France, the French Republic, who are in the police, in the army, who die for France. Accept the idea that: France + Islam = danger, it is not possible, it is a scandal. We passed a law against separatism that allows associations to be dissolved, close Salafist mosques, allow the public service to accept religious neutrality, and help with education. Women were prohibited from bathing in burkini in municipal swimming pools. The oath of police officers on non-radicalism is in law. A specific commission was created by Gérard Collomb to exclude people who have become radicalized.
Women's rights:
On domestic violence, there were 36,000 more incidents, because we were free to speak.
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