The proposals of the mayor of Grenoble, Eric Piolle on the subjects of immigration, defense, security, women's rights for the environmentalists primary of 2021 in order to have a green candidate for the French presidential election from 2022.
Defense :
We must respect the trajectory enshrined in the current military programming law, which provides for increasing the defense budget to 2% of GDP.
We must ensure that the autonomous defense capabilities are strengthened and therefore France and Europe must be less dependent on the United States.
We must move towards nuclear and conventional disarmament. We need a France without nuclear power and a planet without nuclear power.
Immigration :
International aid must be increased to 360 billion euros at European level against 75 billion euros currently, this is important to help emerging countries. Technology transfers must be made, in the management of common goods, it is relevant for them, for climate change, for those who are afraid of immigration, it is indeed a means of slowing down immigration.
We must respect the law on family reunification.
We must welcome refugees, it is in the French constitution, in the preamble of 1946. It is also in the international commitments with the Geneva convention of 1951. We must respect our history, the wealth that these populations come to bring. On immigration in general, we must move forward on a European scale. 5,000 people died last year, including 2,000 in the Mediterranean Sea, it's unbearable, we can't stand it. We must stop the Dublin circular, which obliges the countries of entry to take all the load, Europe must progress in terms of reception, by having a European asylum which would allow a much easier distribution and better integrate migrants in the population.
It is France's duty to welcome the Afghans who seek safety, except for suspicious persons.
Migrants are an asset for France, both for its geopolitics, but also for its economy, its creativity and its culture. We must not give in to the fear of the stranger that is xenophobia. 1 in 2 French people would be afraid of the foreigner, we must change that by continuing to promote humanist values, and by continuing to be solid on the values of France.
Security :
We must invest 20,000 jobs in justice because we have a major deficit of magistrates which results in 59% of recidivism.
We must fight the possible return of the death penalty.
The delinquency that affects everyone, it is in all the cities of France, it is the violence of traffic and organized crime. We need to have clear positions and a strategy. We need a sovereign central power that does its job, without offloading to local communities, without creating territorial inequalities, and which has a real strategy. We need to build confidence, look at what needs to be done in terms of prevention, provide the police with resources, put community policing back in to find a link between the police and the population.
Religions should not be exploited for political ends, in this case for terrorism. In history, the Christian religion has also served as an oppression, an inquisition, with millions of deaths as well. Today we are facing an instrumentalization of Islam with a terrorist drift which is gaining a foothold abroad, for geopolitical reasons, instrumentalizing the diasporas, also gaining a foothold in France. We need a greatness of France which does not yield to terrorism.
Women's rights:
We must put 1 billion euros against gender and sexual violence. A ministry of equality between women and men must be created to effectively combat inequalities.
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