The main inventions of humanity | ||||||||
Event, discovery, invention | Date | Country | Type | |||||
Bipedalism | 4 000 000 BC | Africa | Physiology | |||||
Chipped stone | 3 300 000 BC | Kenya | Tool | |||||
Spoon (shellfish) | 3 300 000 BC | - | Tool | |||||
Arrival in Europe | 1 800 000 BC | Georgia | Geography | |||||
First inhabited cave | 1 780 000 BC | South Africa | Housing | |||||
Axe | 1 600 000 BC | Africa | Tool | |||||
Disappearance of the megalodon | 1 500 000 BC | - | Nature | |||||
Cooking | 500 000 BC | - | Food | |||||
Domestication of fire | 398 000 BC | Africa | Light | |||||
Modern man | 298 000 BC | Africa | Physiology | |||||
Barter | 298 000 BC | Africa | Trade | |||||
Jewelry | 133 000 BC | Israel | Ornament | |||||
Beginning of the Würm Glaciation | 118 000 BC | - | Nature | |||||
Appearance of the dog | 98 000 BC | - | Nature | |||||
Modern speech | 98 000 BC | - | Communication | |||||
Clothing | 81 000 BC | - | Clothing | |||||
Grave | 40 000 BC | Australia | Culture | |||||
Spear | 38 000 BC | - | Armed | |||||
Gods | 38 000 BC | Germany | Religion | |||||
Sculpture | 38 000 BC | Germany | Art | |||||
Music | 33 000 BC | - | Art | |||||
Flute | 33 000 BC | Germany | Music | |||||
Painting | 31 500 BC | la France | Art | |||||
Domestication of the dog | 29 700 BC | Belgium | Culture | |||||
Ceramic | 29 000 BC | - | Container | |||||
Pottery | 20 000 BC | China | Container | |||||
Calculation | 20 000 BC | Uganda | Science | |||||
Rope | 15 000 BC | la France | Tool | |||||
Agriculture | 14 000 BC | World | Food | |||||
Map | 12 000 BC | Spain | Geography | |||||
First village | 12 000 BC | Canada | Housing | |||||
Disappearance of the mammoth | 10 000 BC | North America | Nature | |||||
Water well | 10 000 BC | Cyprus | Food | |||||
Disappearance of the saber tooth tiger | 9700 BC | United States | Nature | |||||
End of the Würm Glaciation | 9430 BC | - | Nature | |||||
Binder | 9000 BC | Turkey | Housing | |||||
Grease lamp | 9000 BC | France | Light | |||||
Breeding | 9000 BC | Mesopotamia | Food | |||||
Brick | 8000 BC | Iraq | Housing | |||||
Comb | 8000 BC | Scandinavia | Hygiene | |||||
Cereal growing | 8000 BC | Iraq | Food | |||||
Domestication of the cat | 7500 BC | Cyprus | Culture | |||||
Oven | 7000 BC | Syria | Food | |||||
Beer | 6000 BC | Iraq | Alcohol | |||||
Drum | 6000 BC | Egypt | Music | |||||
Wine culture | 6000 BC | Georgia | Alcohol | |||||
Domestication of the horse | 6000 BC | Kazakhstan | Culture | |||||
Glassy glass | 5000 BC | Iraq | Housing | |||||
Tumulus | 4700 BC | France | Culture | |||||
First city | 4000 BC | Palestine | Housing | |||||
Pyramid | 4000 BC | Italy | Culture | |||||
Mosaic | 4000 BC | Iraq | Housing | |||||
Shoe | 4000 BC | Armenia | Cothing | |||||
Writing | 4000 BC | Iraq | Culture | |||||
Clay tablet | 4000 BC | Romania | Writing | |||||
Guitar | 3703 BC | Egypt | Music | |||||
Stone tablet | 3500 BC | Iraq | Writing | |||||
Wheel | 3500 BC | Poland | Transport | |||||
Nail | 3500 BC | Iraq | Tool | |||||
Harp | 3500 BC | Iraq | Music | |||||
Anthropomorphic God | 3500 BC | Iraq | Religion | |||||
Wooden tablet | 3000 BC | Greece | Writing | |||||
Loom | 3000 BC | Turkey | Cothing | |||||
Condom | 3000 BC | Egypt | Sexuality | |||||
Amphora | 3000 BC | Middle East | Transport | |||||
Papyrus | 3000 BC | Egypt | Writing | |||||
Astronomy | 3000 BC | - | Science | |||||
Opium in medicine | 3000 BC | - | Health | |||||
Oil lamp | 3000 BC | Greece | Light | |||||
Bronze Age | 3000 BC | - | Culture | |||||
Solar calendar | 2467 BC | Egypt | Time | |||||
Bridge | 2100 BC | Iraq | Transport | |||||
Canoe | 2000 BC | Egypt | Transport | |||||
Whiskey | 2000 BC | Iraq | Alcohol | |||||
Bank activity | 2000 BC | Iraq | Economy | |||||
Sword | 2000 BC | - | Weapon | |||||
Key | 2000 BC | Iran | Tool | |||||
Wheel trolley | 2000 BC | Kazakhstan | Transport | |||||
Bell | 2000 BC | China | Tool | |||||
Aqueduct | 2000 BC | Crete | Food | |||||
Age of copper | 1800 BC | - | Culture | |||||
Disappearance of the mammoth dwarf | 1700 BC | United States | Nature | |||||
Translucent glass | 1500 BC | Egypt | Housing | |||||
Hinduism | 1500 BC | India | Religion | |||||
Vedism | 1500 BC | India | Religion | |||||
Shield | 1500 BC | - | Weapon | |||||
Contraceptive | 1500 BC | Egypt | Sexuality | |||||
Magnifying glass | 1500 BC | Greece | Tool | |||||
Boat | 1500 BC | Turkey | Transport | |||||
Tablet of wax | 1400 BC | Greece | Writing | |||||
Crucifixion | 1400 BC | Greece | Justice | |||||
Monotheism | 1336 BC | Egypt | Religion | |||||
Trumpet | 1336 BC | Egypt | Music | |||||
Iron Age | 1100 BC | - | Culture | |||||
Brazier | 800 BC | Greece | Housing | |||||
Fork | 800 BC | Italy | Tool | |||||
Judaism | 700 BC | Israel | Religion | |||||
Currency (money) | 687 BC | Greece | Economy | |||||
Brahmanism | 600 BC | India | Religion | |||||
Buddhism | 500 BC | India | Religion | |||||
Arena games | 500 BC | Italy | Entertainment | |||||
Barrel | 500 BC | Armenia | Transport | |||||
Sausage | 500 BC | Greece | Food | |||||
Jail | 500 BC | Italy | Justice | |||||
Round earth | 480 BC | Greece | Culture | |||||
Steel | 453 BC | China | Tool | |||||
Absynthe | 377 BC | Greece | Alcohol | |||||
Transparent glass | 336 BC | Greece | Housing | |||||
National Bank | 331 BC | Egypt | Economy | |||||
Paved road | 312 BC | Italy | Transport | |||||
Water mill | 300 BC | Turkey | Energy | |||||
Blown glass | 300 BC | Lebanon | Container | |||||
Organ | 300 BC | Greece | Music | |||||
Electric battery metal plating | 250 BC | Iraq | Tool | |||||
Compass | 200 BC | Greece | Science | |||||
Paper | 200 BC | China | Writing | |||||
Impression | 200 BC | China | Writing | |||||
Iron | 100 BC | China | Clothing | |||||
Tile | 100 BC | Greece | Housing | |||||
Glass pane | 100 BC | Italy | Housing | |||||
Pinot noir | 70 BC | France | Alcohol | |||||
Christianity | 30 | Israel | Religion | |||||
Optical lens | 68 | Italy | Science | |||||
Thimble | 79 | Italy | Clothing | |||||
Steam machine | 100 | Greece | Energy | |||||
Stained Glass | 500 | Turkey | Housing | |||||
Black powder | 618 | China | Weapon | |||||
Windmill | 620 | Iran | Energy | |||||
Xylophone | 800 | South East Asia | Music | |||||
Wall fireplace | 800 | Europe | Housing | |||||
Hydraulic clock | 806 | Iraq | Time | |||||
Wool | 900 | Belgium | Clothing | |||||
Bank note | 1000 | China | Economy | |||||
Compass | 1040 | China | Science | |||||
Fork | 1056 | Italy | Food | |||||
Soule | 1147 | France | Entertainment | |||||
Mechanical clock | 1278 | France | Time | |||||
Vodka | 1300 | Russia | Alcohol | |||||
Capitalism | 1300 | Italy | Economy | |||||
Financial market | 1300 | Italy | Economy | |||||
Gun | 1300 | Germany | Weapon | |||||
Eyeglasses | 1300 | Italy | Health | |||||
Astronomical clocks | 1330 | England | Time | |||||
Private bank | 1397 | Italy | Economy | |||||
Harpsichord | 1425 | Germany | Music | |||||
Cannonball | 1430 | France | Weapon | |||||
Printing machine | 1450 | Germany | Writing | |||||
Hoof | 1480 | France | Housing | |||||
Discovery of America | 1492 | Spain | Geography | |||||
Ink pen | 1508 | Italy | Writing | |||||
Violin | 1520 | Italy | Music | |||||
Stock exchange market | 1531 | Belgium | Economy | |||||
Homing pigeon | 1573 | Spain | Telecommunication | |||||
Binoculars | 1586 | Italy | Science | |||||
Electricity | 1600 | England | Energy | |||||
Telescope | 1608 | Netherlands | Science | |||||
Microscope | 1609 | Italy | Science | |||||
Submarine | 1624 | Netherlands | Transport | |||||
Pendulum clock | 1656 | Netherlands | Time | |||||
Rum | 1663 | France | Alcohol | |||||
Champagne | 1668 | France | Alcohol | |||||
Spring-wound watch | 1670 | England | Time | |||||
Telegraph | 1672 | England | Telecommunication | |||||
Clarinet | 1690 | Germany | Music | |||||
Cognac | 1700 | France | Alcohol | |||||
Disappearance of the dodo | 1700 | Mauritius | Nature | |||||
Horn | 1700 | Germany | Music | |||||
Piano | 1711 | Italy | Music | |||||
Sextant | 1730 | England | Science | |||||
Solar oven | 1740 | Swiss | Food | |||||
Pocket watch | 1740 | Swiss | Time | |||||
Car automobile steam engine | 1769 | France | Transport | |||||
Automatic watch | 1777 | Swiss | Time | |||||
Hot-air balloon | 1782 | France | Transport | |||||
Guillotine | 1789 | France | Justice | |||||
Modern pencil | 1792 | Germany | Writing | |||||
Vaccination | 1796 | England | Health | |||||
Washing machine | 1797 | Germany | Hygiene | |||||
Electric battery | 1800 | Italy | Energy | |||||
Electrolysis | 1800 | England | Energy | |||||
Morphine | 1804 | France | Health | |||||
Train | 1805 | Wales | Transport | |||||
Saxophone | 1814 | Belgium | Music | |||||
Electric polarized batteries | 1813 | England | Energy | |||||
Bike | 1817 | Germany | Transport | |||||
Accordion | 1818 | Austria | Music | |||||
Harmonica | 1820 | Europe | Music | |||||
Electric motor | 1821 | Denmark | Energy | |||||
Photography | 1826 | France | Art | |||||
Mechanical sewing machine | 1830 | France | Clothing | |||||
DC motor | 1832 | England | Energy | |||||
Fridge | 1834 | United States | Food | |||||
Calculator | 1834 | England | Science | |||||
Electric bulb | 1835 | Scotland | Light | |||||
Electric car | 1835 | Netherlands | Energy | |||||
Photovoltaic | 1839 | France | Energy | |||||
Cement | 1840 | France | Housing | |||||
Winding watch | 1842 | Swiss | Time | |||||
Communism | 1848 | Germany | Society | |||||
Oil | 1850 | Romania | Energy | |||||
Airship | 1852 | France | Transport | |||||
Oil lamp | 1853 | Poland | Light | |||||
Tarmac | 1855 | France | Transport | |||||
Darwinism | 1859 | England | Science | |||||
Internal combustion engine | 1859 | France | Energy | |||||
Plane | 1863 | France | Transport | |||||
Motorcycle | 1869 | France | Transport | |||||
Vacuum | 1869 | United States | Housing | |||||
Wristwatch | 1875 | - | Time | |||||
Phone | 1876 | Canada | Telecommunication | |||||
Loud speaker | 1877 | Germany | Music | |||||
Antibiotic | 1877 | France | Health | |||||
Electric chair | 1880 | United States | Justice | |||||
Motor car with explosion engine | 1880 | France | Transport | |||||
Television | 1884 | Germany | Entertainment | |||||
Electric iron | 1882 | United States | Clothing | |||||
Morse code | 1882 | United States | Telecommunication | |||||
AC motor | 1887 | Serbia | Energy | |||||
Radio waves | 1888 | Heinrich Hertz | Telecommunication | |||||
Wind turbine | 1888 | United States | Energy | |||||
Three-phase motor | 1889 | Russia | Energy | |||||
Photographic film | 1889 | United States | Art | |||||
Diesel motor | 1893 | Germany | Energy | |||||
X-rays | 1895 | Germany | Science | |||||
Radioactivity | 1896 | France | Science | |||||
Radio | 1899 | France | Science | |||||
Gun Cartridge | 1914 | - | Weapon | |||||
Drone | 1916 | England | Weapon | |||||
Bomb | 1917 | Germany | Weapon | |||||
Submachine gun | 1918 | Germany | Weapon | |||||
Supermarket | 1920 | United States | Trade | |||||
Color television | 1925 | Russia | Entertainment | |||||
LED diode | 1927 | Russia | Light | |||||
Penicillin | 1928 | Scotland | Health | |||||
Quartz clock | 1928 | United States | Time | |||||
Credit card | 1928 | United States | Economy | |||||
ATM machine | 1930 | United States | Economy | |||||
Missile | 1932 | Germany | Weapon | |||||
Microwave | 1933 | United States | Food | |||||
Disappearance of the marsupial wolf | 1936 | Tasmania | Nature | |||||
Computer | 1937 | United States | Data processing | |||||
Ball pen | 1938 | Argentina | Writing | |||||
Nuclear fission | 1938 | Germany | Science | |||||
Veganism | 1944 | England | Food | |||||
Transistor | 1947 | United States | Data processing | |||||
Nuclear plant | 1951 | United States | Energy | |||||
Cloning | 1952 | United States | Science | |||||
Silicon transistor | 1954 | United States | Data processing | |||||
Satellite | 1957 | Russia | Telecommunication | |||||
Integrated circuit | 1958 | United States | Data processing | |||||
First being living in space | 1960 | Russia | Science | |||||
Robot | 1961 | United States | Robotics | |||||
First man in space | 1961 | Russia | Science | |||||
Video games | 1962 | United States | Entertainment | |||||
Personal computer | 1964 | Italy | Data processing | |||||
Internet | 1965 | United States | Telecommunication | |||||
Space rocket | 1965 | Russia | Science | |||||
1969 | United States | Telecommunication | ||||||
First man on the moon | 1969 | United States | Science | |||||
Microprocessor | 1969 | United States | Data processing | |||||
Quartz wristwatch | 1969 | Japan | Time | |||||
Virtual reality | 1970 | United States | Entertainment | |||||
Space station | 1971 | Russia | Science | |||||
Video games console | 1972 | United States | Entertainment | |||||
Mobile phone | 1973 | United States | Telecommunication | |||||
Laptop | 1973 | United States | Data processing | |||||
Radio paging | 1975 | United States | Telecommunication | |||||
Personal computer in large series | 1977 | United States | Data processing | |||||
Minitel | 1980 | France | Telecommunication | |||||
Sustainable development | 1981 | Russia | Society | |||||
Autonomous car | 1986 | United States | Transport | |||||
World Wide Web | 1989 | England | Telecommunication | |||||
Mobile video game console | 1989 | Japan | Entertainment | |||||
Connected watch | 1990 | Japan | Time | |||||
Smartphone | 1992 | United States | Telecommunication | |||||
LED bulb | 1993 | Japan | Light | |||||
Tamagotchi | 1996 | Japan | Entertainment | |||||
Hydrogen car | 1999 | Japan | Transport | |||||
MMO | 2002 | France | Entertainment | |||||
Artificial intelligence | 2010 | United States | Robotics | |||||
Laser cannon | 2014 | United States | Weapon | |||||
Cyborg animal | 2016 | United States | Science |